
December 30, 2006

Care for the womenfolk!

Filed under: Life as I know it — Celia Rexselin @ 1:58 pm

I have been wanting to write this post for quite sometime. The blogosphere is filled with humor, reviews on movies, cricket and recipes etc. But not much has been said about personal care or women health. This post is about that.


December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Filed under: Life as I know it — Celia Rexselin @ 3:54 pm

The christmas tree has been set; crib placed and star hung. All ready to welcome the new christmas season.

O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright;
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to Thy perfect light.


December 10, 2006

Guess the Blogger – III

Filed under: Guess The Blogger — Celia Rexselin @ 2:21 pm

Am amazed at how Calvin fantasized about Hobbes and the vulnerable innocence he has on his face when he complains to Mom. So does our blogger 🙂 . While mom had to bear with Calvin’s tales, its we bloggers who end up as poor recipients. And guess, who is hobbes here? Its none other than the famous or infamous R.


December 6, 2006

People and their minds!!

Filed under: Life as I know it — Celia Rexselin @ 11:24 am

Calvin Thinking

My monthly copy of Reader’s Digest came in yesterday and I started reading it. One particular article about ‘Armenian Genocide’ caught my attention. I didn’t read it fully though. The pictures were so disturbing and I started reading it just before bedtime and that gave me enough reasons to get scared.


December 4, 2006

Adhi Mangala Kaaranane!!

Filed under: Poems — Celia Rexselin @ 11:53 am

How does it feel when you find out that you are actually a novice in a language in which you thought yourself as a expert?

I happened to listen to this traditional christian keerthanai… Mystic words.. in each and every word lies a thousand hidden meanings.. Asked the meaning to my mom. She herself didnt know the meaning to a few of the words. I have attempted to translate it. Lemme know if the translation is good.


December 3, 2006

Friends – 3

Filed under: Life as I know it — Celia Rexselin @ 6:41 am

I started this series sometime back and almost forgot them. Only when someone searched for one of my friends name and landed on my blog, this hit me.

Today is the birthday of one of my enigmatic friends. Yeah, you read it right.. She was really a puzzle to me. Till this date. Aarathi Cynthia Priya Vardhini, one of the few females who stick to me from lkg to twelth.


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