
December 18, 2007

A farewell to PG

Filed under: Life as I know it — Celia Rexselin @ 10:52 am

This has been the shortest period of ma life.. seems like I just came to bangalore and settled in this PG. Couldn’t believe that I already have to vacate it.. More than the house, the people I mingled and jingled with are worth remembering..

Here, a farewell to each of you..


December 5, 2007

The three musketeers

Filed under: Philosophy — Celia Rexselin @ 8:44 am

There are these 3 girls who I know of. They got friendly in recent times.. One of these girls happens to be me.. And these girls have nothing in common except the fact that they work for the same company.

As I was thinking about them, one thing struck me. One girl is trying very hard to make herself a prosperous career even at the cost of her family, while another thinks that her family gains precedence over anything else that she won’t even mind quitting her job. The moderator of these three, wants both and sometimes sacrifices one for the other.

All the three are in their prime, very busy and looking forward to the future. Don’t know what reply time has in store for them. Well, lets see.


Filed under: Just For Laughs — Celia Rexselin @ 8:37 am

Every cubicle in our office has a whiteboard.. which we can fill with diagrams, helpdesk’s phone numbers etc etc… I have a habit of writing a quote that I like.. And my current quote reads like this..

“You know how Einstein got bad grades as a kid?

Well, mine are worse!”

One naughty colleague of mine who is fond of playing pranks at me, stopped by my cubicle and commented.

He: This is what Einstein would say.. “You know how Celia got bad grades as a kid? Well, mine are far far better”.

Sigh!! Life is like that!

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